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Showing results 72 to 91 of 243 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2012Flood management of river in urban areas case : Vishwamitri river, Vadodara city region.Motiwala, Kauseen ImtiyazBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2013Flood mitigation management in the watershed area case : Savitri river, Maharashtra.Mehta, NeelishaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
1999Future of open land on urban fringe : case study Seminary-Hill, Nagpur.Pathak, RenukaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2011Harvesting of non wood forest produces and its impact on forest ecology - collection of NWFP - Tendu Patta in Gondia forest study region.Turate, ShrutiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2008Harvesting of rain water at regional level and study its impact on other natural resources : case study river basin of Kham and Sukhna river.Khanjodkar, SantoshBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2008Human interaction and its impact on ecosystems and economy of a region.Handa, KanakBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2002Human intervention in ecological processes : a study of the conflict with a focus on ecological reserves in Indian context : case study : Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai.Patel, PoojaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2005Human intervention in hydrological cycle of a region : a case study of Jodhpur region.Joshi, DharmiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2008Identification of natural resources as potential open spaces in urban regions.Pandey, SonalBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2013Impact of agricultural economics on tribal lives: a case of tribal agriculture of Wayanad.Deepthi, C. B.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2011Impact of anthropogenic activities on forest ecology : case Polo forest, Sabarkantha.Parikh, NidhiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2012Impact of anthropogenic activities on lake and its environment case Mansagar Lake, Jaipur.Agarwal, SristyBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2000Impact of elements of the natural landscape on urban form.Ganesan, SrividyaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2001Impact of expressways on the environment, case study : Mumbai Pune expressway.Jadhav, DhanashriBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2000Impact of highways on the environment : case study : east coast highway, Tamil Nadu.Venkatesh Kumar, K.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2008Impact of human activities on natural resources case : Vembanad lake, Kerala.Treasa, GlennyBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2007Impact of human activities on natural resources, case study : Bhimashankar wildlife sanctuary.Atale, SubhagyaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2014Impact of human activities on Sundarbans : case of the Indian Sundarbans of West Bengal.Mandal, Ankan P.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2007Impact of human activities on the river Basin, case : Mandovi river Goa.Bade, KanchanBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2006Impact of industrial activities on a region - case study : Chandrapu super thermal power station.Sonakia, ShwetaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.