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Showing results 182 to 201 of 243 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2005Patterns in landscape.Chouhan, AmbikaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
1975Planning for recreation : Ahmedabad : a case study.Bhingarde, AnilBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
1976Planning for recreational facilities : a case study of Kota city.Azad, HarnamsinghBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
1980Recreational spaces : a case study of Baroda city.Mehta, Hemant M.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.
1999Rehabilitation of surface mines : case study : Neyveli Lignite Mines.Rukkumany, R. H.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2006Rejuvenation of a natural resource in an urban context.Chopade, Prachi P.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2011Rejuvenation of water courses-river case study : Hyderabad region.K. Ravi KiranBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2012Relevance of landscape elements in planning of a new capital.ShivangiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2001Relevance of natural resources in management of urban environment, case study : Pune metropolitan region.Mulay, Rohit R.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2011Restoration of degraded land - case : foothills of Shiwaliks, Chandigarh.Agrawal, SominBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2014Restoration of limestone mine and quarried areas case: Tandur region, Andhra Pradesh.Arugonda, HarikaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2011Restoration of self sustainable ecosystem of Barda Wildlife Sanctuary, Porbandar.Suthar, BhushanBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2009Reuse of wastewater from urban areas : case - Pune municipal corporation area.Prachande, Manisha R.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2001Revitalization of historical site / monuments in an urban conglomeration : case study : Sarkhej Roza Complex, Ahmedabad.Darshak, FalguniBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
1998Revitalization of land affected by industrialization : case study Gandhar affected by oil mining.Sharma, ArchanaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2010Revitalizing the water resource by reuse of recycled wastewater for the catchment region of Najafgarh Drain, Delhi.Kapoor, RidhiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2014Revival of a traditional water system : case - underground aqueducts of Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh.Jajpuria, Ankur G.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2007Revival of cultural landscape, case study - Wai.Phadnis, ShrutiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2014Reviving the sanctity of a river-protecting the cultural landscape of river Godavari, Nashik.Ghare, Rama J.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2011Role of anthropogenic processes in evolving landscapes - case : Delhi region.Kathuria, AnujBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa