Browsing by Guide Khanwalkar, Seema

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Showing results 24 to 43 of 53 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2017Re-articulation of cultural heritage through new media : a conceptual study.Patel, DivyaKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Re-articulation of cultural heritage through new media : a conceptual study.Patel, DivyaKhanwalkar, Seema
2014Relationship between art and architecture through a historical socio-cultural context.Chouhan, IshaKhanwalkar, Seema
2012Retail environment design : understanding the making of the retail environment with respect to context and concept.Bundela, RituKhanwalkar, Seema; Agarwal, Sanjay
2017Rethinking smart an inquiry of social justice in shaping cities for the future : a case of T nagar, Chennai.Sanchana, S.Khanwalkar, Seema
2020Scripting Spaces - exploring concepts of body and built environment through site-specific performancesGopal, ArushiKhanwalkar, Seema
2009Semiotics of architecture.Shah, RiddhiKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Silk textiles as mediators between space and people in Majuli, Assam.Rathod, Harita BharatkumarKhanwalkar, Seema
2021Silsila of well-being : deciphering wellbeing in design through a historic tier II Indian city (Agra)Mahajan, SaloniKhanwalkar, Seema
2019Space-Narrations, story telling through the films of Wes Anderson.Patel, DhruvKhanwalkar, Seema
2020Spatial bricolage : a study of space making in the works of Geoffrey BawaGussain, JaineeKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Spatial digital narratives that redefine cultural heritage : using new media to interpret cultural heritage on site.Bhardwaj, GarimaKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Spatial digital narratives that redefine cultural heritage : using new media to interpret cultural heritage on site.Bhardwaj, GarimaKhanwalkar, Seema
2012Structural semiotic analysis of vernacular architecture.Raju, Harshitha G.Khanwalkar, Seema
2017Study of museum design and represenation practices case : viraasat-e-khalsa, Anandpur sahib, Punjab.Meglani, AkankshaKhanwalkar, Seema
2015Study of spaces : using analogy of fiction literature - using graphic novel to reinterpret David Copperfield by Charles Dickens.Suratwala, Zankruti LalitkumarKhanwalkar, Seema
2015Study the inter relationship between stories and spaces : case of Meenakshi temple, Madurai.Chokshi,ManasiKhanwalkar, Seema
2018Supergraphics in the built environment : an element of place making.Surelia, DharalKhanwalkar, Seema
2023Tokenizing creativity : the convergence of NFTs and internet cultureMagdum, ApoorvKhanwalkar, Seema
2019Transient learing environments : in theory, conception and space.Vyas, DharunKhanwalkar, Seema