Browsing by Guide Khanwalkar, Seema

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Showing results 29 to 48 of 53 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2020Scripting Spaces - exploring concepts of body and built environment through site-specific performancesGopal, ArushiKhanwalkar, Seema
2009Semiotics of architecture.Shah, RiddhiKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Silk textiles as mediators between space and people in Majuli, Assam.Rathod, Harita BharatkumarKhanwalkar, Seema
2021Silsila of well-being : deciphering wellbeing in design through a historic tier II Indian city (Agra)Mahajan, SaloniKhanwalkar, Seema
2019Space-Narrations, story telling through the films of Wes Anderson.Patel, DhruvKhanwalkar, Seema
2020Spatial bricolage : a study of space making in the works of Geoffrey BawaGussain, JaineeKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Spatial digital narratives that redefine cultural heritage : using new media to interpret cultural heritage on site.Bhardwaj, GarimaKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Spatial digital narratives that redefine cultural heritage : using new media to interpret cultural heritage on site.Bhardwaj, GarimaKhanwalkar, Seema
2012Structural semiotic analysis of vernacular architecture.Raju, Harshitha G.Khanwalkar, Seema
2017Study of museum design and represenation practices case : viraasat-e-khalsa, Anandpur sahib, Punjab.Meglani, AkankshaKhanwalkar, Seema
2015Study of spaces : using analogy of fiction literature - using graphic novel to reinterpret David Copperfield by Charles Dickens.Suratwala, Zankruti LalitkumarKhanwalkar, Seema
2015Study the inter relationship between stories and spaces : case of Meenakshi temple, Madurai.Chokshi,ManasiKhanwalkar, Seema
2018Supergraphics in the built environment : an element of place making.Surelia, DharalKhanwalkar, Seema
2023Tokenizing creativity : the convergence of NFTs and internet cultureMagdum, ApoorvKhanwalkar, Seema
2019Transient learing environments : in theory, conception and space.Vyas, DharunKhanwalkar, Seema
2020Translating cinematic spaces : decoding expressions of spatial inclusion of transgenders in Indian cinemaKannan, RoshniKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Understanding sequences in Charles Correa's abstraction of spaces.Bhavsar, HarshKhanwalkar, Seema
2019Understanding the emergence of alternative cultural spaces as a phenomenon through notions of liminality .Akshayaa V.Khanwalkar, Seema
2018Understanding the relationship between built environment and human behavior in residential open spaces of urban townships.Barot, KrishnaKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Understanding the role of new media in interior architecture designning.Lakhani, VivekKhanwalkar, Seema