Browsing by Guide Pandya, Yatin

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Showing results 9 to 28 of 188 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
1996Banni house form : a study of the phenomenon of change.Amin, ApurvaPandya, Yatin
2016Bathroom : changing perception of bathing spaces.Bhavsar, NiraliPandya, Yatin
2005Behavioral study of healing environments : study of hospitals of Ahmedabad .Jhaveri, NirmitPandya, Yatin
1997Between reality and perception of reality : an inquiry into the phenomenon of visual perception as exercised in set designs.Thapar, MokshPandya, Yatin
2013Brand imaging urban development stitching environment economy and industry : strengthening Surat's image as a textile city through integrated development at Bhathena, Surat.Khatadia, Chandni P.Pandya, Yatin
2017Building facade : Its role and expression, a study of facade as reflection of context in space and time.Dave, JenyPandya, Yatin
2007Built enviornment and human behaviour : a study of multiplexes of Ahmedabad for their behavioural responses.Iyer, SangeetaPandya, Yatin
1999Built form responses in self-built houses : a study of vernacular earth dwellings in hot arid desert climatic zone of India.Desai, RadhikaPandya, Yatin
2004City and its spatial structure : comparative study of Jaipur, Chandigarh and Navi Mumbai .Kangad, ChandradeepPandya, Yatin
2010City rhythms : the life in collective spaces in urban cultural context : rejuvenation of the life in these spaces with respect to people and place , sense of place, conservative surgery : case : a Mohalla in old city of Hyderabad (Also Availa.Mahenderkar, NavajyothiPandya, Yatin
2010Club as a social node : an inquiry into behavioural responses within given spatial condition, case of Ahmedabad.Bhavsar, Shreya J.Pandya, Yatin
2005Community structuring and its generative forces : case study Dharampur, Gujarat .Patel, HarenPandya, Yatin
2017Comparative thermal performance of living spaces in vernacular houses, Lucknow : shading and materials.Gulati, RituPandya, Yatin
2004Concrete and its manifestations in space.Gajjar, RiddhishPandya, Yatin
2018Contextual appropriation and socio cultural adaptation in British bungalows : case of Gorakhpur.Pandey, ShivaniPandya, Yatin
2018Correlating pedagogy and space : an analysis of the physical learning environments of constructivist pedagogical approaches.Chiniwala, YusufPandya, Yatin
2014Courtyard : change in meaning from traditional to contemporary, in domestic architecture of Jaipur.Kaur, JasreetPandya, Yatin
2013Craft and its integration in space making-understanding the spatial impact of craft and influence in design decisions.Ratnani, ShilpaPandya, Yatin
2003Crafted spaces : manifestation of crafts in space making.Choudapurkar, MadhaviPandya, Yatin
2016Critique of master plan 2021 and sectoral plans for Hampi world heritage area : an urban design exploration.Vittal, ArchanaPandya, Yatin