Browsing by Author Kashikar, Vishwanath

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2014Adaptability as a means of extending the useful life of a building exploring this possibility through the conceptual strategy of polyvalence.Shilpa, ShirishKashikar, Vishwanath
2012Architectural drawings : perspectives on attitude of the maker and context.Shingarey, SurabhiKashikar, Vishwanath
2008Architectural thresholds welcoming collective 'affordances' : learning form conventional urban housing in Ahmedabad.Acharya, PrachiKashikar, Vishwanath
2019Build a home : an exploration of dwellings designed by the architects and the non-architects to identify similarities and differences in their built form.Bhagora, SamarpanKashikar, Vishwanath
2015Built environment and residents' satisfaction in slum rehabilitation housing projects : a case of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.Valiaveetil, InduKashikar, Vishwanath
2024Built- factors affecting dwelling behaviors : a quantitative approach to correlate built elements and dwelling behaviours in cases of in-situ SRHs in AhmedabadJoshy, AswinKashikar, Vishwanath
2023Challenges and opportunities of multi-story housing : based on block typeEngineer, DevanshiKashikar, Vishwanath
2018Changing neighbourhoods and changing human social behaviour : co-relating privacy affordances and inter-personal relations in a residential environment through a comparative integrated framework.Sarna, PrachiKashikar, Vishwanath
2012Children's behaviour in built environment : a study of school as a setting for play and social activity.Kachru, IshitaKashikar, Vishwanath
2018Children's play spaces : instances of cricket in multistorey housing in Ahmedabad.Patel, Harini M.Kashikar, Vishwanath
2019Co-living 2020 : redefining the relationship between shared and private spaces in millennial co-living in Bangalore .Goyal, ShrenikKashikar, Vishwanath
2018Cognition in symmetrical spaces.Mehta, Viral K.Kashikar, Vishwanath
2019Consolidated common spaces in high rise mass housing.Tamakuwala, DhariniKashikar, Vishwanath
2011Constants and variants in architecture .Gangwal, DeepthiKashikar, Vishwanath
2024Decoding architectural geometry and spatial configuration in 3bhk urban apartment housing : a case of Ahmedabad city through 1970-2020Mahajani, IshaKashikar, Vishwanath
2011Embodied and operational energy assessment of alternative walling materials for multi-storey buildings in Ahmedabad : an approach towards low energy buildings in a lifecycle.Sonagara, NiravKashikar, Vishwanath
2016Evaluating and exploring 'flexibility'as a phenomena in standardized multi-storey housing-a case study on residential requirements for IT and financial services employees in Bangalore.Karadi, ChaitraKashikar, Vishwanath
2015First generation apartments : understanding emergence and early establishment case of Ahmedabad : 1965 to 1980.Shah, NisargKashikar, Vishwanath
2014Flex-perience in a tight space.D'Souza, DaphneKashikar, Vishwanath
2017Flexibility in housing : impact of architectural design decisions on ease of making modification to dwellings in mass housing.Patel, Dhwani PankajKashikar, Vishwanath