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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1141 to 1160 of 2750
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2011Society and water : a cohesive bonding in desert.Joshi, GargiParthasarathy, R.
2017Conservation of urban areas with heritage value in Indian cities : case study Ahmedabad.Bandal, PrachiMehta, Jignesh
2011Role of sustainable habitat mission in urban development : case study of Nagpur.Ganorkar, HarshalRay, Chandranath N.
2017Smart solutions in municipal solid waste management challenges and opportunities.Saikia, AninditaGoswami, Subhrangsu
2011Energy conscious building clusters for hot and dry climate in India.Nayak, Bibhu KalyanParthasarathy, R.
2017Assessment of the perceptions and behaviors of public towards bicycling in Gandhinagar city.Dumpala, SowmyaRoy, Anil Kumar
2011Adaptation to climate change in energy sector : a case of Thane city.Asapur, Sagar ChidanandGoswami, Subhrangshu
2017Auto rickshaw operator characteristics in small towns : a case of Dhanbad.Jain, VishalDaftardar, Chintan
2017DEWATS : as an option for peri urban area of the city Rajkot.Madalani, DipakBose, Tushar
2011Transit options for hill cities : a case of Kohima.Imchen, SungdikongroShivanand Swamy, H. M.
2017Contextual street design : a case of design.Visakha, K. A.Lokre, Abhijit
2011Transit oriented development in Indian context.Dangra, Saurabh J.Munshi, Talat
2017Integrating water bodies in urban planning processes : a case of Ahmedabad.Trivedi, JayatiSharma, Rutool
2011Evaluation of road safety strategies and development of risk index : case of Ahmedabad.Patel, HiteshGanesh babu, K. V.; Lokre, Abhijit
2017Analysing role of land in slum redevelopment project : case of Ahmedabad.Thaker, NiyatiSharma, Rutool
2007Issues and opportunites of cluster based solid waste management systems in Gujarat.Trichal, SandeepBandopadhyay, Saswat
2017Limitation of regional plans and development plans on planning peri urban areas : a case of Mumbai.Tavkar, Rucha SubodhPhathak, Vidyadhar
2012Information system for urban water supply and sanitation service in small town in Maharashtra.Singhal, KapilMehta, Meera
2011Methods and challenges to improve accessibility for persons with disability in public transport : a case of Ahmedabad.Jaiswal, NeeraBhakuni, Nitika
2016Review of alternative land pooling models and its implementation mechanism.Tatu, SurhudSharma, Rutool
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1141 to 1160 of 2750