Browsing by Guide Raje, Nitin

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2001Abstract and the manifest in vernacular built : houseform of Rohailkhand region, Uttar Pradesh.Agarwal, ManuRaje, Nitin
2006Addressing transformations - place making - notation explored at city level redefining the urban realm - Ahmedabad mill lands.Nagarsheth, SnehalRaje, Nitin
1998Analysis of streets : a socio-physical perspective.Parikh, TanviRaje, Nitin
-Application of solar geometry in architecture.Patel, ManojRaje, Nitin
2018Applying systems thinking to understand the impact of rework on construction projects.Chepe, ShobhitRaje, Nitin
2001Architecture and computer technology : study of the state of integration.Kanabar, JalpaRaje, Nitin
2001Architecture and paradigm : understanding the contemporary.Mehta, RooshankRaje, Nitin
2002Architecture of hybrid spaces.Jadav, Mrunalsen R.Raje, Nitin
2020Between stability and change : an understanding of culture and interior spaces as a dynamic relationship through system thinkingGupta, ShwetaRaje, Nitin
2012Biophilic space : Biophilia : its ramification for interior space and an analysis of its manifestation in the works of prominent modernist architects.Bansal, AnushkaRaje, Nitin
2016Butterfly effect in housing : sensitivity to design parameters.Patel, Shailaja KetanbhaiRaje, Nitin
2000Daylighting and design : interpretations.Jindal, RichieRaje, Nitin
2017Digital tools and media, prospects and practice.Chandrabhanu, DVNLRaje, Nitin
2001Emergence of order in urban form.Priyalakshmi, K.Raje, Nitin
2017Empirical study of the correlations between formal attributes of enclosures and architectural experience in occupantsSanatani, Rohit PriyadarshiRaje, Nitin
2014Evolutionary mechanisms of the built environment.Puri, KanikaRaje, Nitin
1997Felix Candela : architecture of structural forms.Akruwala, Chirag A.Raje, Nitin
2000Fragmentation of form : a study of the use of fractal geometry, chance, and dynamical systems in the design of form.D'Monte, SamirRaje, Nitin
1999Genesis and evolution of a traditional houseform as a cultural idiom : Peshwa Wadas, a Maratha way of life.Raut, MaithiliRaje, Nitin
2016Hindu temple : the generic and the specific .Brahmbhatt, PoojaRaje, Nitin