Browsing by Guide Sharma, Utpal

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
1999Access to basic services by the urban poor : a case study of Cuttack city.Parija, SangeetaSharma, Utpal
2012Affordable housing delivery - case of Chennai metropolitan area.Kumar, C. M. SantoshSharma, Utpal
2012Airport city as an engine for development and growth a case study of Rajiv Gandhi international airport, Hyderabad.Adhwaryu, Mansi M.Sharma, Utpal
1995Alchemy architecture of slums : study of recycled materials for building construction in Ahmedabad.Baradi, ManvitaSharma, Utpal
2011Alternative strategies for mass transportation; an Indigenous way.Prageeja K.Sharma, Utpal
1996Appraisal of the homemaker's work : towards gender planning.Vanka, Salila P.Sharma, Utpal
2001Approach to eco-sensitive development : a case study of hilly areas in Pune.Pol, AparnaSharma, Utpal
2001Approach to urban settlement planning in Manipur state.Thingom, NabakishworSharma, Utpal
2007Asses urban development along Southern expressway - Sri Lanka.Herath, H. M. M.Sharma, Utpal
2005Assessment of facilities management in Indian real estate market.Nagargoje, ShekharSharma, Utpal
2010Assessment of housing affordability of urban poor in a metropolitan city : a case of Meerut city .Gupta, AnshikaSharma, Utpal
2010Assessment of integrated township policies.Gupta, UditSharma, Utpal
1997Assessment of urban environmental quality : a case study of Ahmedabad.Kumar, IndraneelSharma, Utpal
2000Autonomous IT firms concentrations in Bangalore city : location rationale.Rajan, RenuSharma, Utpal
1996Capacity optimization and augmentation options of urban watersupply network : case study of Ahmedabad.Madhu Raj, P. C.Sharma, Utpal
2015Changing form in urban villages : case study of Jaipur metropolitan area.Chandra, TarushSharma, Utpal
2002Child sensitive city planning : a case of Ahmedabad.Agarwal, Mohit KumarSharma, Utpal
2002Child-friendly resource planning for urban poor : an integrated framework for provision of basic services.Patel, GargiSharma, Utpal
2007City energy management : a case study of hyderabad .Venkata Krishna, Y.Sharma, Utpal
2006City logistics : warehousing and market infrastructure, case of Ahmedabad.Bhore, Ajay ArvindSharma, Utpal