Browsing by Guide Tayyibji, Riyaz

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2014Approaching rational and associational parameters of development case : proposed TOD in Madhupura, Ahmedabad.Singh, SikharTayyibji, Riyaz
2016Architectural perspective drawings and design intentions in case of Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier.Bhatt, Shalin D.Tayyibji, Riyaz
2014Architectural understanding of a house : case of Palladio,Corbusier and Doshi.Malukani, MadhuTayyibji, Riyaz
2016Building in a Nicobari village : analysis of the building potential of Munack village in central Nicobar.Bali, AnaghTayyibji, Riyaz
2016Consistency in alternative construction methods : a study of Hunnarshala, Kutch.Mistry, Chetak SureshkumarTayyibji, Riyaz
2008Context and its influence on architectural decisions : understanding limits and potentials of a situation .Vasavada, Bindi UrvishbhaiTayyibji, Riyaz
2011Critical regionalism and its discerning in contemporary interior architecture of India.Vishnoi, NishthaTayyibji, Riyaz
2015Defining the urban form at the foothills : case Pune, Maharashtra.Kode, Neha RajendraTayyibji, Riyaz
2012Demonstrating the idea of collage city as an approach to design an It based community.Banerjea, SouravTayyibji, Riyaz
2020Drawings as the reflection of architectural movements (Tracing the drawing methodology of the 20th century)Surati, RichaTayyibji, Riyaz
2011Entrepreneurial narratives : as an urban regenerative phenomenon case : Ahmedabad.Mungekar, NehaTayyibji, Riyaz
2016Evolution of open spaces of CEPT campus.Patel, Pinkal MayurbhaiTayyibji, Riyaz
2015Geological influence on stone craft and building.Ghonge, GunjanTayyibji, Riyaz
2011Ground and built form : the case of Jodhpur.Shah, Nikita M.Tayyibji, Riyaz
2010Historical study of haveli architecture in Nadiad.Nayak, Amit V.Tayyibji, Riyaz
2007Interdependence between man and environment in making the region of Bangalore.Karjatkar, AshwinTayyibji, Riyaz
2011Junagadh nawabi mausoleums: a holistic study of interior architecture circa 1700 A.D.- 1900 A.D.Agrawal, SmitaTayyibji, Riyaz
2017Learning environment furniture as learning aid.Bhojwani, Kirti RajkumarTayyibji, Riyaz
2012Migration : towards an inclusive development : case of Dhargalim, Goa.Ribeiro, Sarita M.Tayyibji, Riyaz
2015Modularity in architecture : understanding the order of space making in old and new IIM-A campus.Patel, Komalben RanchodbhaiTayyibji, Riyaz