Browsing by Author Joshi, Rutul

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 77  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2016Approaches to design interventions and social behaviour in public spaces of Ahmedabad.Shah, Devshri SaurangJoshi, Rutul
2018Barriers to redevelopment in transit influence zone in Delhi.Varshney, GauriJoshi, Rutul
2020Barriers to women ridership, In light of pink ticket policy : case of DelhiSabharwal, ShuktikaJoshi, Rutul
2009Bicycle as a mode in low-income households of Ahmedabad : practices and prospects.Shaikh, Faiz M.Joshi, Rutul
2018Choices urban poor make : a case of Nairobi, Kenya.Kapoor, IshitaJoshi, Rutul
2016Citizen engagement in Ahmedabad smart city planning.Phatak, SukrutiJoshi, Rutul
2014Commuter perceptions of the proposed metro rail in Hyderabad.Mahon, SukritaJoshi, Rutul
2021Comparative TOD assessment of two contrasting parts of KolkataParvin, TamannaJoshi, Rutul
2024Conceptual transport planning proposal for low emission zone in JaipurDesai, Sahana GJoshi, Rutul
2023Conservation of Bangalore lakes : understanding the governance gapsBasu, NamoshiJoshi, Rutul
2015Contestations in parking policy.Chandran, VivekJoshi, Rutul
2015Contrasting case of urban street space occupation : street vending and parking.Zaveri, Dhruvit SubhashJoshi, Rutul
2020Critical review of TOD components in city level development planning frameworkChauhan, PrachiJoshi, Rutul
2017Deconstructing HRIDAY yojana : an inclusive agenda, case of Banaras.Narayanan, PrasanthDesai, Jigna; Joshi, Rutul
2019Demonstrative cases for Transit Oriented Development planning : demonstrating case - 3V approach to formulate local area plan in TOD.Shravani, T.Joshi, Rutul
2018Design evaluation of shared spaces in public housing : case of Ahmedabad.Mody, AayushiJoshi, Rutul
2019Design for sustainable mobility - demonstrative case for transit oriented development in India.Sodaye, Chetan PadmakarJoshi, Rutul
2020Designing a key Performance indicator toolkit for TOD in Indian citiesGodbole, Siddhartha MakarandJoshi, Rutul
2013Developing a framework for ward level planning mechanism : the case of Pune.Kekare, Ameya MangeshJoshi, Rutul
2003Development assitance and urban sector reforms : critical understanding of TNUDP2.Joshi, RutulAcharya, Shrawan Kumar