Browsing by Author Patel, Kireet

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 45  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2019Abstraction of humanizing : treatment of 'nature and need' in the interior-architecture of Alvar Aalto.Patel, PalakKhanwalker, Seema; Patel, Kireet
2016Architectonics of a place : an inquiry into the relationship between place and man a study of Auroville.Parikh, NaomyPatel, Kireet
2018Architecture and contextuality : coherence of structure system and spatial organization.Chauhan, AkshPatel, Kireet
2003Assembly - disassembly as an approach in design.Wadwani, VishalPatel, Kireet
2001Balance : a principle of nature - a study of its manifestation in the creations of man.Sodha, RuchitaPatel, Kireet
2003Conception of space - organic approach.Mistry, BhaviniPatel, Kireet
2001Corelational membrane of inside and outside : an identity into residential interiors.Dar, AmberPatel, Kireet
1989Corporeal form in architecture : a study of role of materials and construction methods in shaping architectural expression.Patel, KireetVasavada, Ravindra J.
2019Correlating craft with computational design.Mehta, ParthPatel, Kireet
2020Deconstructing surrealism : an inquiry into the notion of ‘surreality’ in spaceShah, MedhaviPatel, Kireet
2011Details : construing significance.Anjaria, AnujPatel, Kireet
2014Drawings its influences on architecture.Sebastian, Siby KuriakosePatel, Kireet
2000Expressions through fabrics in interior spaces.Tejwani, VimlaPatel, Kireet
2015Extension : an inquiry into built form extensions.Modi, KinjalPatel, Kireet
2000Floor : an interior space making element : factors influencing floor design and expressions, in residences.Agrawal, Priti S.Patel, Kireet
2008Formal forces : an inquiry of optimization in process.Jotani, DhavalPatel, Kireet
2004Fractal perception of built environments : a retrospect into the phenomenon and its rudiments.Tyagi, MuktaPatel, Kireet
2011Genesis of geometry : Islam.Momin, Ahmed AbbasPatel, Kireet
2006Going underground an analyticlal understanding of subterrainance spaces.Agrawal, ShuchitaPatel, Kireet
2003Graphical perception and its intervention in interior space.Shah, DarshikaPatel, Kireet