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Showing results 1 to 20 of 9202  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
20213D Visualization for compactdecrepit dwelling areas using cityGMLRoy, NikithaRawal, Darshana
20234D for safety on construction sitesRao, ShivamTrivedi, Jyoti || Sontakke, Suraj
2021A case study on thermal performance in residences with laterite stone climate and rammed earth materials in warm and humidUma, P.Damle, Rashmin
2003A long term strategic planning for the rehabilitation and resettlement of migrants : a case study of Jammu.Arora, SanjeevBharti, Madhu
2003A study of institutional financing process in road infrastructure projects.Patel, RupeshPatel, Gautam
2000A study on - use of precast segmental box girders for construction of bridge superstructures.Shukla, HaritParikh, Nayan R.
2021AADHAR enabled public distribution system (AEPDS), beneficiary survey and assessment frameworkGupte, Aakanksha ShashikantDoctor, Gayatri
2001Abstract and the manifest in vernacular built : houseform of Rohailkhand region, Uttar Pradesh.Agarwal, ManuRaje, Nitin
2019Abstraction of humanizing : treatment of 'nature and need' in the interior-architecture of Alvar Aalto.Patel, PalakKhanwalker, Seema; Patel, Kireet
2023Accelerating the climate resilient sanitation : a case of dal dwellers-SrinagarSatvi, HimanshuBandyopadhyay, Saswat
2022Accelerating women’s participation in public transport workforce : a case study of Bangalore metropolitan transport corporationRenjitha R NKhan,Azra
2012Acceptability of geopolymer fly ash bricks/blocks.Sain, SupriyaShah, C. B.; Trivedi, Jyoti
2010Acceptance and affordability of green homes in real estate market, Ahmedabad.Bhatt, ShivaniBandopadhyay, Saswat
2018Access and affordability of housing for university students : an investigation in the case of students at Politecnico di Milano.Raina, RohitBricocoli, Massimo
2021Access planning for low-income group - case of barrel market and BSUP VatvaKhelurkar, ShriyaMehta, Jignesh
1999Access to basic services by the urban poor : a case study of Cuttack city.Parija, SangeetaSharma, Utpal
2018Access to property rights and empowerment of urban poor women, case of Lucknow.Pathak, AnjaliPatel, Sejal
2015Access to sanitation in urban areas : issues in governance and finance.Mehta,VivekMehta, Meera
2017Access to water in the slums of Hyderabad.Sreepada, Sai VandanaGoswami, Subhrangsu
2021Accessibility & walkability issues of Ahmedabad road infrastructureHarwani,RohitViswanathan,Rachana