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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1501 to 1520 of 2750
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
1999Informal food joints : a study on Ahmedabad.Parikh, SonalSharma, Utpal
2002Livelihood strategies for resource management : a case study of Majuli, Assam.Buragohain, UrmiSharma, Utpal
2002Integrated transport planning : a case study of MRTS, Delhi.Kotwal, SumirSharma, Utpal
2002Bottlenecks and uncertainties in road sector projects : a critical review.Satish, M. K.Shivanand Swamy, H. M.
2002Decentralization of a capital city's activities : a case study of Uttaranchal.Mittra, SarikaAcharya, Shrawan Kumar
2002Urban emergency response and management plan : a case study of Ahmedabad Urban agglomeration.Saksena, MayankBandyopadhyay, Saswat
2002Diffusion of rural technological innovations at grassroots level through knowledge network.Ogra, AurobindoAcharya, Shrawan Kumar
2002Urban vulnerability analysis : a study of national capital, Delhi.Sapra, AshimaBandyopadhyay, Saswat
2002Study of solid waste management : case study of Morbi town.Gangani, Jitendra M.Ray, Chandranath N.
2002Sustainability of innovative infrastructure financing systems.Mukherjee, AnurimaMahadevia, Darshini
2002Tourism development strategy in Kutch, Gujarat.Basuroy, AindrilaBandyopadhyay, Saswat
1999Access to basic services by the urban poor : a case study of Cuttack city.Parija, SangeetaSharma, Utpal
2001Land management strategy for the newly added villages to the Pune city.Chaudhari, VijaySharma, Utpal
2001Evaluation of housing delivery systems in rural areas of Gujarat : a case study of Dholka taluka.Baldva, SurbhiMehta, S. S.
2001Institutional options for provision of water supply in urban development areas : case study of Ahmedabad.Biswas, Sovan KumarBandyopadhyay, Saswat
2001Impact of the slum networking program on low income housing upgradation.Bhatnagar, ShuchitaAcharya, Shrawan Kumar
2001Mixed land-use in an urban context : a case of Ahmedabad.Panchal, SharadSharma, Utpal
2001Landuse and accessibility : a case study of Chandigarh.Sarwal, RaveenaMunshi, Talat
2001Disaster mitigation strategu based on people's response in the flood affected areas : a case study : Gurdaspur district.Gupta, NavitaRay, Chandranath N.
2001Market analysis of real estate development in housing : a case study of Ahmedabad.Gupta, AshishDe, Prasanta
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1501 to 1520 of 2750