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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 2750
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2021Strategy for electrification of city bus network: a case of Ahmedabad BRTSSugathan, SuryaSinha, Shalini
2021Assessing the first and last mile connectivity of public transport in SuratDudeja, AbhasBhakuni, Nitika
2021Electrification of IPT in Indian Cities (Case city � Mehsana)Nakhwa, Swastik VinaySinha, Shalini
2021Gender mobility perspective: a case of Mehsana, GujaratTalukdar, SukanyaBhakuni, Nitika
2021Comparative assessment of business models of public bicycle sharing system: examining the relationship between business models and system performance of PBS systemSingh, AkankshaLokre, Abhijit
2020First mile and last mile connectivity for public transport users [a case study on Hyderabad]Jaswanth,P.Bhakuni, Nitika
2021BRT planning and governance: a case study of Hubli DharwadMathew, ReshmaSinha, Shalini
2021Charging infrastructure planning for electric vehiclesPatel, RiddhiSinha, Shalini
2021Review and recommendations for the approval and licensing mechanism for setting up cold storages in DMICSarma, RiturajTelling, Gordon
2021Spatial planning of electric vehicle charging infrastructure - AhmedabadDas, Sandeep Soyam PrakashKanuri, Chaitanya
2021Assessing parking management & action plan for Indian cities: a case of SuratSanghvi, DhvaniLokre, Abhijit
2021Electric vehicle demand assessment: Indian citiesSujit, Vishal G.Kanuri, Chaitanya
2021Urban freight logistics of the 21st century: towards circular and digitally enabled business modelsChhipa, NausheenChaudhary, Nivesh
2020Appraisal of PPP based contracting models in Indian city bus services and their impact on service operationsTandon, PragatiParashar, Laghu
2021Active mobility, physical activity, built environment, and health: an assessment of interlinkagesDerasari, NandiniSwamy, HM Shivanand
2020Post project implementation economic viability analysis of public transport projectPatil, Manish DilipJoshi, Nirav
2021Electrification of IPT in Indian cities a case study of Ahmedabad citySingh, Kiran ArjunSinha, Shalini
2021Micro-mobility modes in Indian cities: role, policy, and promotionNeethi, Lavanya K.Joshi, Hiren
2021Energy efficiency in municipal services: assessment of city level energy consumption in wastewater management (Ahmedabad)Thakur, SrushtiIyer, Mona
2021Climate resilient cities: vulnerability profile of large cities of Gujarat (a case of Vadodara city)Panchal, VivekBandhopadhyay, Saswat
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 341 to 360 of 2750