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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 2750
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2024Exploring brownfield urban redevelopment opportunities in Indian cities : case of East AhmedabadBhadra, GayatriJoshi, Rutul; Bhanushali, Jay
2024High speed rail station area accessibility : a case of Surat HSR stationSharma, MonalisaDave, Harpal; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Speculating reality and realty in urban planning, a case for real estate development in Devanahalli as an impact of the Bangalore international airportNetragaonkar, AtharviRajagopal, Champaka; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Comparative assessment of microlevel planning models in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana microlevel planning models - a comparative studyBumb, AnupMehta, Jignesh
2024Making the economics of heritage conservation work for the property owners : a study of heritage TDR incentives in Ahmedabad world heritage cityJoshi, HemaliBhonsale, Bharti; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Mainstreaming water- sensitive urban planning : developing a visualization toolkit and enabling framework for Indian cities (case of Kozhikode)Gopika, L.Kumar, Sameer; Iyer, Mona
2024Socio-economic impacts of covid-19 pandemic on internal migrants : a case of Delhi and MumbaiBissu, BhushrutiPatel, Amit
2024Creating a market for transferable development rights (TDRs) : factors influencing demandManuja, GarimaAgarwalla, Astha
2024Micro level planning models - a comparative analysis of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and DelhiDhama, KalyaniMehta, Jignesh
2024Planning support system using open-source data- urban road network atlasWillson, JohnsSarraf, Saket
2024Inclusive transit stations : examining mobility for children around transitRai, KajalChhadva, Purvi
2024Environmentally suitable and resilient urban planning for a coastal city in India- A case of Panaji (Goa)Shambhudas, AishwaryaKumar, Ashwani
2024Helping achieve Chennai's climate goals : aligning Chennai's climate action plan (CCAP) with the master planning process ; incorporating CCAP's mobility and transportation recommendations into Chennai's third master planKikani, AnshiSridhar, Sanjay; Sarraf, Saket; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Integrating sustainable approach in statutory plan and development regulation for jodhpurPillai, Anashwara.S.Mehta, Jignesh; Brahmbhatt, Bijal
2024Assessing vulnerability and community resilience : a case of urban flooding in SuratTrivedi, AkashKumar, Ashwani; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Unlocking brownfield redevelopment in Indian cities : a case of West AhmedabadGhumare, AkanshaJoshi, Rutul; Bhanushali, Jay
2024Examine India's 15-minute cities based on their salient featuresAgrawal, AkanshaJain, Himani; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Arterial road network analysis of Indian cities & comparison with global citiesGhosal, AntaraAdhvaryu, Bhargav
2024Developing a comprehensive planning support system for India using open data sources - methodology for impact assessment of MRT station proximity on property pricesMunsi, AbhranilSarraf, Saket; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Community resilience to climate change : a case study of Majuli island in AssamKaushik, PranayRoy, Anil Kumar
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 2750