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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 841 to 860 of 2750
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2009Mainstreaming solar energy into potential sectors of urban areas : a study for Nashik city.Deshpande, GauriSaxena, Ashwani Kumar
2009Approaches for integrated lake restoration : case of Ahmedabad.Gupta, DeepaPatel, Sejal
2019Opportunities and challenges in implementation of 24x7 water supply in Bopal municipality area, .Desai, KajalSaxena, Ashwani Kumar; Parikh, Apurva
2009Strategies for Jatropha bio diesel production - profit model, the case of Gujarat.Bhatt, HalakParthasarathy, R.
2019Comparative analysis of indian planned cities : case of Navi Mumbai and Gandhinagar .Nagargoje, ArundhatiPhatak, Vidyadhar
2019Potential and challenges of public housing redevelopment scheme - 2016 .Chakalasiya, KrunalSannabhadti, Ravi
2009Strengthening the institutional framework for management of the rivers in the Mumbai metropolis.Bhatia, ShriyaBandyopadhyay, Saswat
2019Issues and challenges of unauthorised development : a case of Delhi's unauthorised colonies .Darshana, AnushreeDubey, Vishal
2009Assessing CDM as a potential means of financing MSWM - a case of Gujarat towns.Avashia, VidheeBandyopadhyay, Saswat
2019Effectiveness of inclusionary zoning as a tool to provide housing to the uncatered .Agarwal, AnshulPatel, Sejal
2009Strategies for railway waste management : a study of solid waste management by Indian railways.Ambily, P.Ray, Chandranath N.
2019Urban flood risk assessment and development of flood resilient spatial plan for Bhubaneswar.Sahu, AlisaBose, Tushar; Samal, Dipak
2009Fiscal policies for sustainable urban transport.Madrasi, ArwaShivanand Swamy, H. M.
2019Understanding the performance of multimodal transportation and factors influencing multimodal choice : the case of Chennai.Gnana, Kiruba. GParthasarathy, R.; Shivanand Swamy, H. M.
2006ICD as a logistics service provider : concerns and prospects.Rishi, DeepIyer, Mona; Raghuram, G.
2019Land use planning in homeland security for cities : case study in Ahmedabad city.Singh, AayushVyas, Anjana
2018Continuity and change in urban transport policy, programs and projects : role of politics, institutions and actor in Bangalore.Joseph, AngelShivanand Swamy, H. M.; Bhakuni, Nitika
2019Continuity and change in urban transport development arena : a case of Indore.Chakrawarti, YakshaBhakuni, Nitika; Shivanand Swamy, H. M.
2009Emerging opportunities and challenges in public private partnership : a case of Rajkot.Gupta, ShwetaBandyopadhyay, Saswat
2019Integration of metro with other modes of transport - customer satisfaction : a case of Delhi.Sangal, TusharParthasarathy, R.; Shivanand Swamy, H. M.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 841 to 860 of 2750