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Results 3761-3770 of 9234 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2018Homes on the move .Rohit, Priyanka KumariBharat, Gauri
2013Architecture inspired by nature : understanding the values of the nature related to the sense, space and experience as perceived by the human beings and demonstrating an application of the same through dersrirgnr rprroces.Mhatre, SanketJain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
2013Nineteen sixtys radical theories and design in architecture : an inquiry into the socio-cultural revolution and the changes in the face of architecture - the case of 'TEAM ten'.Sharad, ChaitraJain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
2018Analogising music and architecture as products of a common cultural Milieu : a case of Karnatic music and temple architecture of the Vijayanagara empire.Sai, Netra RameshSrivathsan, A.
2013Hybrid facades : an inquiry into the role of facades of mixed-use buildings in inducing 'life' on to the streets.Nair, NehaJain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
2013Study of the design process of an architecture of the field : case of the Anganwadi project , Ahmedabad.Gopwani, KomalJain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
2018Form as an outcome of material and structural system : an inquiry in works of Renzo Piano.Patel, AdityaBelsare, Mangesh; Shah, V. R.
2013Teaching architecture learning architecture : the genesis and evolution of the school.Sarkar, Shomika J.Jain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
2010Street edges : fractal geometry as critical tool to analyse urban commercial streets in Ahmedabad.Kaur, AvneetRaje, Nitin
2013Architecture in transition : in the works of Ar Anant Raje.Chokandre, SmitJain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal