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Results 4201-4210 of 9234 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2008Urban road safety management - case study of Ahmedabad.Shah, JayminShivanand Swamy, H. M.
2022Recommending a mechanism to bridge the gap between a macro-level plan (DP) and implementation plan (TP) in the state of Gujarat :"a case of Surat development 2004"Jain,SairyGotecha,Amit
2022Enabling integrated urban water management (IUWM) in Indian cities:recommendations for enhancements to statutory & institutional frameworks for AhmedabadGarg,ShrutiSaxena,Mriganka
2009Life and vitality : a new approach of looking at revitalization of inner city areas for Cochin.George, Mary HansBharti, Madhu; Chettiparamb, Angelique
2009Participatory approach in solid waste management with special reference to cleanliness campaign in Ahmedabad.Dutta, NamrataRay, Chandranath N.
2013Vulnerability to climate change and variability : an investigation into macro and micro level assessments.Srivastava, AkshayDesai, Urvi; Rao, Prakash
2022Power over the Environment? investigating the nature of transactions behind violations along Bangalore's lakesSaxena,SakshiRajgopal,Champaka
2022Climate resilience in Indian cities:review of the perception, aspirations, and the actions, case of SuratBaidya,SanjanaGoswami,Subhrangsu
2022Micro-Level Public Transport Accessibility Application in Local Area Planning for AhmedabadChatterjee,RohiniAdhvaryu,Bhargav
2022Examining transit oriented development (TOD) precinct for NMT accessibility: a case of Mumbai - AndheriBharadwaj,RuchiArjun Joshi