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Results 4921-4930 of 9234 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2011Study of role of water in landscape planning for a metropolitan city case : Visakhapatnam city.Digumarthy, SandilyaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2011Impact of industrialization on natural resources - case : Bagad river, Gajraul, Uttar Pradesh.Paul, VimalBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2011Impact of anthropogenic activities on forest ecology : case Polo forest, Sabarkantha.Parikh, NidhiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2011Restoration of degraded land - case : foothills of Shiwaliks, Chandigarh.Agrawal, SominBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2014Conservation of the urban settlement of the historic city of Ahmedabad area of study dariypur-II ward 03, Documentation of Jain derasar in Ratan pol - studio I,Documentation of the pol house and condition assessment - studio II,Heritage assessment, condit.Brar, Neetipal SinghVasavada, Ravindra J.
2011Harvesting of non wood forest produces and its impact on forest ecology - collection of NWFP - Tendu Patta in Gondia forest study region.Turate, ShrutiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2010Revitalizing the water resource by reuse of recycled wastewater for the catchment region of Najafgarh Drain, Delhi.Kapoor, RidhiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2012Impact of natural processes on coastal settlement : a study of W Bengal coast, Digha Shankarpur area.Bhattacharya, DwaipayanBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2012Environmental management of natural stream in urban area : case of Jayanti Nallah in Kolhapur.Chavan, AjinkyaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2010Study of parks in new urban areas case : residential areas.Naik, Priyal P.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa