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Results 4951-4960 of 9234 (Search time: 0.008 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2012Relevance of landscape elements in planning of a new capital.ShivangiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.
2014Study of urban settlement in historic city case Sarkhej Roza, Study of elements and documentation of traditional Tamilian house of Pondicherry - studio I,Study of traditional pol house, lal pol dariyapur III, Ahmedabad - Studio II,Study of urban settlemen.Chauhan, NilamVasavada, Ravindra J.
2013Ecological restoration of degraded landscape due to mining, case study- iron ore mine at Curchorem and Sanvordem, Goa.Nimbarte, Pratik B.Bhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2013Conservation of water resources in semi-arid region case : Alwar city region, Rajasthan.Singh, ShaktiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2013Landscape conservation of historical sites case Nahargarh and its surroundings, Jaipur.Mathur, PriyankaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2013Ecological planning in the catchment of a dam site case - Panshet dam, Pune, Maharashtra.Kulgod, RutujaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2013Flood mitigation management in the watershed area case : Savitri river, Maharashtra.Mehta, NeelishaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2013Conservation of tiger habitat case : sariska tiger reserve, Alwar, Rajasthan.Ishan, MohanBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2013Ecological landscape planning and design an application to the islands of Kochi.Balan, SharanyaBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2013Ecological landscape planning of catchment areas of Pune region.Dhomse, PallaviBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa