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Results 9141-9150 of 9221 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2024Comparative assessment of micro level planning models in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and OdishaSahu, ShambhaviMehta, Jignesh
2024Displacement dynamics of Ahmedabad metro project : a socio - economic assessment of project affected people (PAPs)Dasgupta, RohitaRoy, Anil
2024Review of existing development models of Chennai & recommendations for land pooling area development scheme (LPADS)Sahila, M.Gotecha, Amit
2024Unlocking brownfield redevelopment potential : a case of MumbaiKendki, ShravaniJoshi, Rutul; Bhanushali, Jay
2024Assessing liveability - in planning frameworks for development authorities and urban local bodies in metro cities of India - a case of AhmedabadKhan, TahreemRathore, Neelakshi; Shah, Suhani; Raina, Rohit
2024Mega infrastructure and weak governance how infrastructure and urban and regional policy and planning processes influence the spatial growth of Devanahalli regionPatel, ShrutikkumarRajagopal, Champaka
2024Mainstreaming water-sensitive urban planning : developing a visualization toolkit and enabling framework for Indian cities (case of Bhopal)Bajpai, VatsalaKumar, Sameer; Iyer, Mona
2024Integrating sustainable approach in the statutory plan and development regulations for JodhpurSapariya, VickyBrahmbhatt, Bijal; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Kochi : local area plan for resilient development pilot LAP for mullassery canal areaVincent, VinilaMehta, Jignesh; Kaliyath, Ajith
2024Shift towards gated community : assessing urban development challenges in AhmedabadVyas, VidhiBharti, Madhu; Mehta, Jignesh