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Showing results 59 to 78 of 130 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2010Management of construction equipments on port projects.Maniar, AnviAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
1999Management of information technology in construction firms.Shrivastava, Rahul R.Akalkotkar, Prakash V.; Momaya, Kirankumar
2001Management of materials for construction project.Bhimani, AlpeshAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
2003Monitoring the vital signs of highway projects.Jagnani, RohitAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
1998Multi-project scheduling.Shah, NishithAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
1999Need of project administration for construction projects.Parekh, Mohit S.Akalkotkar, Prakash V.
2001Operating and transfer marine projects under BOT contracts.Thaker, HarshitAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
2012Optimizing efficiency of construction equipments of ports.Shah, SonamAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
2010Pavement type selection procedure.Chavda, VirendraAkalkotkar, Prakash V.; Tiwari, Devesh
2010Performance evaluation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) in construction industryPatel, Mitul K.Akalkotkar, Prakash V.; Bhargav, Tarang
2008Performance evaluation of information technology in construction firmsMevada, NirajAkalkotkar, Prakash V.; Brahmabhatt, A. C.
2009Planning, scheduling and resource management for EWS housing project in AhmedabadGhanwat, MohiniAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
2006Problems and prospects of special economic zones in India.Dharashivkar, GandharAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
2007Process and implementation of environmental impact assessmentfor highways.Sharma, AbhaAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
2008Productivity improvement using work study in construction projectsIngit, AnandAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
1995Productivity of human resources on construction projects.Patel, DharmeshAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
2000Project management audit : an effective controlling tool.Gandhi, Dhaval A.Akalkotkar, Prakash V.
1999Quality assurance in construction projects.Nagrani, Nitin K.Akalkotkar, Prakash V.
2002Quality assurance plan for construction projects.Nair, AnilAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
1997Quality control on construction projects.Bhatia, Aarti K.Akalkotkar, Prakash V.