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Showing results 15 to 34 of 124 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2013Critical appraisal of town planning scheme of different states India : a case of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.Shrivastava, ShivaniBharti, Madhu
2007Development strategies for Narmada district.Bhuvaneshwari, S.Bharti, Madhu
2016Drivers of real estate development in a micro-market : a case of Bengaluru.Manohar, L. A.Bharti, Madhu
2017Drivers of real estate market in Coimbatore.Dhanraj, KoushikBharti, Madhu
2023Emerging real estate product : senior housing as a business model in context of Mathura and VaranasiTyagi, DishiBharti, Madhu
2023Emerging real-estate product : senior housing as a business modelYawalkar, ShashwatiBharti, Madhu
2023Emerging real-estate products : senior housing as a business model - case study of PuneWankhade, Anuja R.Bharti, Madhu
2015Enabling environment for improving private sector housing supply for EWS-LIG in urban areas : case of Ahmedabad.Srivastava, NamanBharti, Madhu
2021Enquiry in the urban expansion, land cover, land use and land value changes in fringe areas of AhmedabadSangami, P. N.Bharti, Madhu
2021Enquiry in the urban expansion, land use, land cover and land value changes in fringe areas of AhmedabadRaval, LopaBharti, Madhu
2016Evaluation of cluster redevelopment scheme for urban settlements in Mumbai, India.Karne, Rupali AmbadasBharti, Madhu
2013Evaluation of slum sanitation and upgradation schemes in Ahmedabad.Dubey, AnkitaBharti, Madhu
2017Exploring land value capture funding mechanism for Surat BRTS.Shah, ShaishavBharti, Madhu
2004Factors affecting implementation of SNP and its impact on slums.Patel, Bhargav AshokbhaiBharti, Madhu
2014Factors for development of industrial real estate : a case study of industrial estate Vadodara district.Kachru, IshitaBharti, Madhu
2006Foreign direct investment in real estate : investment mechanisms, potentials and implications.Kaushal, NeelamBharti, Madhu
2009Housing aspirations and preferences - analytical study of public sector employees in Ahmedabad.Jain, MallikaBharti, Madhu
2017Housing market dynamics of a peripheral regions : a case of Ghaziabad.Singh, MrinaliniBharti, Madhu
2007Housing needs and preferences of migrants - case Dubai.Parekh, Divya R.Bharti, Madhu
2019Identifying the issues and challenges regarding systematic development of Alang and Sosiya region.Kumar, PriyamBharti, Madhu