Browsing by Guide Dave, Manish

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Showing results 5 to 24 of 29 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2017E-procurement : an empirical study on construction materials supply chain in Ahmedabad.Rathi , RupeshDave, Manish
2024Feasibility of implementing leanJani, DevkumarDave, Manish
2018Identification and qualification of material waste in highrise projects.Brahmbhatt, HaardDave, Manish
2007Integrating ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 in construction (2005-07)Asnani, ViralDave, Manish
2007Integrating ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 in construction (2005-07)Asnani, ViralDave, Manish
2004Inventory control for construction projects.Dave, KunjanDave, Manish
2009Lean construction - a strategic option for competitiveness in construction in India.Patel, AlokDave, Manish
2017Measuring effectiveness of material management practices followed by construction companies in Ahmedabad.Abhinandan G. R.Dave, Manish
2003Optimization of cost of quality on construction projects.Mody, HardikDave, Manish
2008PMIS in construction industryVyas, DharmendraDave, Manish
2009Preparing guidelines for gap analysis in ERP application.Bhatt, TejalDave, Manish
2007Quality management system for developers.Shah, NinadDave, Manish
2008Quality management system in infrastructure projects.Thakkar, KristalDave, Manish
2019Quantification of labour skill gap in construction industry at Ahmedabad.Purani, ShubhangiDave, Manish
2024Review and analysis of productivityPrajapati, NeelDave, Manish
2017Study of constraints/variables affecting materials inventory at construction of bridge sites.Chokshi, MansiDave, Manish
2006Study of internal quality auditing system for construction company.Puthawala, Mohammed AslamDave, Manish
2018Study of material handling methods on construction projects.Rawat, KrishnaDave, Manish
2018Study of purchase system with proposal of model.Dave, ChinmyeeDave, Manish
2006Study on selective inventory controlling techniques with application to construction industry.Vadodaria, Tushar J.Dave, Manish