Browsing by Guide Iyer, Mona

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Showing results 49 to 68 of 79 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2012Integrated e-waste management : a case of Gujarat.Sumskrutha, T.Iyer, Mona
2006Issues and oportunities in a regional waste treatment and disposal facility : case of Hyderabad.Mohan, ManishaAsnani, P. U.; Iyer, Mona
2007Issues in public private interface in power sector : a review of new policy environment .Shah, Saumil s.Iyer, Mona; Pandey, Ajay
2007Key factors affecting railway and road modal choice for Indian freight movement - a case of North Western corridor.Balchandani, VibhaIyer, Mona
2010Mainstreaming of construction and demolition waste through policy intervention.Khera, Naresh A.Iyer, Mona
2020Mainstreaming water sensitive concepts through spatial planning : the city of BhopalJhawar KrishnaIyer, Mona
2019Nehers' of Aurangabad : medieval water planning, current use and challenges.Khadke, Shivani JayantIyer, Mona
2014Opportunities and challenges for implementation of 24x7 water supply system, a case of Unjha.Patel, DhavirIyer, Mona
2010Opportunities and challenges for power exchanges in India : the case of Gujarat.Goyal, AbhinavIyer, Mona
2017Opportunities and challenges of informal sector at dumpsite : a case study of Pirana Ahmedabad.Doshi, SiddhIyer, Mona
2014Parameters affecting municipal water supply cost recovery : a case of Ahmedabad.Gajjar, Juhi KanaiyalalIyer, Mona
2018Participatory water resource management : experiences from Bhuj and Bhopal.Mishra, GargiIyer, Mona
2010Performance assessment of solid waste management : the case of Ahmedabad city.Mansuri, AasimIyer, Mona
2009Performance improvement of urban water services in the context of cost recovery : case of Ahmedabad.Patil, ShivnathIyer, Mona
2022Plastic waste management in urban areas and its contribution to local SDG�s : Case of Surat CityPandit, HiteshIyer, Mona
2011Policy incentives and disineentives for wastewater reuse - a case of Gujarat.Panchal, KinnariIyer, Mona
2008Policy review : Jawaharlal Nehru national urban renewal mission.Dalal, Dhara A.Iyer, Mona; Mehta, Meera
2007Potential of cargo movement through national waterways in India.Singhal, NehaIyer, Mona
2014Rain water harvesting: the case of Ahmedabad.Shah, MananIyer, Mona
2022Reduction in GHG emissions through effective municipal solid waste management : Case of Surat CityIngole, SnehalIyer, Mona