Browsing by Guide Mehta, Jignesh

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Showing results 14 to 33 of 54 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2024Examine India's 15-minute cities based on their salient featuresAgrawal, AkanshaJain, Himani; Mehta, Jignesh
2017FSI as a tool for urban development : a case of Mumbai.Greeshma R. G.Mehta, Jignesh
2024Helping achieve Chennai's climate goals : aligning Chennai's climate action plan (CCAP) with the master planning process ; incorporating CCAP's mobility and transportation recommendations into Chennai's third master planKikani, AnshiSridhar, Sanjay; Sarraf, Saket; Mehta, Jignesh
2024High speed rail station area accessibility : a case of Sabarmati, AhmedabadPande, PrajaktaDave, Harpal; Mehta, Jignesh
2024High speed rail station area accessibility : a case of Surat HSR stationSharma, MonalisaDave, Harpal; Mehta, Jignesh
2024High speed rail station area accessibility : a case of Bharuch HSR station AhmedabadVasava, ShivaniDave, Harpal; Mehta, Jignesh
2024High speed rail station area development : guidelines based on TOD principles and form based approachShreyaDave, Harpal; Mehta, Jignesh
2015Identifying potential for transit oriented development : a case of Bopal - Ambli corridor, Ahmedabad.Lohar, BhaveshMehta, Jignesh
2016Implementation of transit oriented zone : case study of Ahmedabad.Raval, Pranam M.Mehta, Jignesh
2019Improving land value capture mechanism for developing TOD area : case of Delhi.Verma, GauravMehta, Jignesh
2019Improving LAP mechanism for India cities : a study of development based value capture strategies : case of Delhi.Kapoor, HimanshiMehta, Jignesh
2019Improving LAP mechanism for Indian cities - form based approach for TODs.Surpuriya, Pratiksha SanjayMehta, Jignesh
2019Improving LAP mechanism for indian cities : form- based approach for TODs .Trivedi, ShashankMehta, Jignesh
2020Improving LAP mechanism for urban precincts with heritage value through pilot LAPKamaldeep KaurMehta, Jignesh
2020Improving Local Area Plan mechanism for urban precincts with herita through pilot LAPKumar, ArunMehta, Jignesh
2018Improving physical infrastructure while conserving heritage character of Dhal ni pol, Ahmedabad.KirtiMehta, Jignesh
2017Improving statutory planning to manage urban sprawl : case of Indian cities.Jagithta, OjasviMehta, Jignesh
2024Integrating sustainable approach in statutory plan and development regulation for jodhpurPillai, Anashwara.S.Mehta, Jignesh; Brahmbhatt, Bijal
2024Integrating sustainable approach in the statutory plan and development regulations for JodhpurSapariya, VickyBrahmbhatt, Bijal; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Investigating the affordability in the proposed RAH and understanding the factors impacting the sameVerma, NamandeepAhire, Ganesh; Mehta, Jignesh