Browsing by Guide Pandya, Yatin

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Showing results 56 to 75 of 188 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2013Inclusive urban development for sustainable social and natural symbiosis case : Chandola lake, Ahmedabad.Nair, AnmonaPandya, Yatin
-Influence of lighting on space perception in the context of museum spaces and display.Shah, KinjalPandya, Yatin
2015Inquiry into the integration of the unbuilt open spaces with the built and its interpretation in contemporary scenario : context of Jaipur.Kapadia, MayuriPandya, Yatin
2014Inquiry into the mall as emerging civic space in the context of Ahmedabad.Saradva, CharmiPandya, Yatin
2009Inquiry into the usage of recycled waste materials by urban poor, case studies of squatter settlements of Ahmedabad.Mata, Anand ArjanPandya, Yatin
2015Inquiry into various design attributes and approaches towards sustainable interior environment in the context of a workspace.Modi, PoojaPandya, Yatin
2014Integration and protection of natural layer within dense urban system case : Raipur, Chhattisgarh.Hussain, ArwaPandya, Yatin
2009Integration of nature : water and vegetation in work environment.Mistry, Nirali MukeshkumarPandya, Yatin
-Integration of water : vegetation in traditional Islamic interiors.Shah, RiddhiPandya, Yatin
2014Integration of water and vegetation in contemporary residences for spatial attributes.Nagecha, AkrutiPandya, Yatin
2018Integration of water in space making : understanding spatial role in residences of Ahmedabad.Modia, AvaniPandya, Yatin
2008Interating urban and eco-system in coimbatore city.Kumar, K. ArunPandya, Yatin
2018Interpretation and translation of traditional Hindu temple concepts in contemporary temple design .Malviya, AnkitaPandya, Yatin
2016Interpretation of therapeutic spaces in architecture and approaches in design of a holistic wellness retreat @ Irukkam Island.Thirunavukkarasu, NivedithaPandya, Yatin
-Interpreting sustainable architecture : a comparative study of diverse approaches and attitudes.Sindhav, MittulPandya, Yatin
2007Introduction to de stijil ideology and its architectural representation : in consideration of universality with the social utopian philosophical approach to aesthetics.Christy, AbhilashPandya, Yatin
2016Jaali : study of jalli as spatial element : cultural environmental and spatial aspects - case of Amber fort.Gajjar, Girisha G.Pandya, Yatin
2013Kinesthetic an approach to space organization case study : Hemkutha hill group, Hampi - capital city of Vijayonagara.Agrawal, JuhiPandya, Yatin
2004Kitchen : a networked system : study of contemporary Indian kitchens.Shah, AmalPandya, Yatin
2009Learning outside the classroom : an enquiry into child's behavioral psychology to learning environments of schools.Vyas, Maulik VijaykumarPandya, Yatin