Browsing by Guide Pandya, Yatin

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2005Adaptive reuse : responsive harmonic contrast through interiors in old buildings.Shah, Darshini R.Pandya, Yatin
2008Analysis of climatic influence on courtyard design for Ahmedabad climate .Das, Tonima TirthankarPandya, Yatin
2016Analysis of the proportion system 'Modulor' in the works of Le Corbusier, Ahmedabad.Amin, SwetaPandya, Yatin
2017Analyzing spatial quality imparted by wall frescoes : a case study of city palace, Jaipur.Behl, AnantPandya, Yatin
2020Approaches to critical regionalism in post-independent architecture of India discerning through case study of JaipurShah, JinalPandya, Yatin
2004Architecture as resolute of time and space : a study of post independence architecture of five institutions in Ahmedabad.Dave, PriyankaPandya, Yatin
2003Ascertaining Dakor as a religio-cultural center.Ghanekar, AshleshaPandya, Yatin
2015Aspects of Sustainability As Integrated in Campus Architecture of an Architect: Neelkanth Chhaya- To Study the Impact of Natural Forces on Design DecisionsMistry, NiketPandya, Yatin
1996Banni house form : a study of the phenomenon of change.Amin, ApurvaPandya, Yatin
2016Bathroom : changing perception of bathing spaces.Bhavsar, NiraliPandya, Yatin
2005Behavioral study of healing environments : study of hospitals of Ahmedabad .Jhaveri, NirmitPandya, Yatin
1997Between reality and perception of reality : an inquiry into the phenomenon of visual perception as exercised in set designs.Thapar, MokshPandya, Yatin
2013Brand imaging urban development stitching environment economy and industry : strengthening Surat's image as a textile city through integrated development at Bhathena, Surat.Khatadia, Chandni P.Pandya, Yatin
2017Building facade : Its role and expression, a study of facade as reflection of context in space and time.Dave, JenyPandya, Yatin
2007Built enviornment and human behaviour : a study of multiplexes of Ahmedabad for their behavioural responses.Iyer, SangeetaPandya, Yatin
1999Built form responses in self-built houses : a study of vernacular earth dwellings in hot arid desert climatic zone of India.Desai, RadhikaPandya, Yatin
2004City and its spatial structure : comparative study of Jaipur, Chandigarh and Navi Mumbai .Kangad, ChandradeepPandya, Yatin
2010City rhythms : the life in collective spaces in urban cultural context : rejuvenation of the life in these spaces with respect to people and place , sense of place, conservative surgery : case : a Mohalla in old city of Hyderabad (Also Availa.Mahenderkar, NavajyothiPandya, Yatin
2010Club as a social node : an inquiry into behavioural responses within given spatial condition, case of Ahmedabad.Bhavsar, Shreya J.Pandya, Yatin
2005Community structuring and its generative forces : case study Dharampur, Gujarat .Patel, HarenPandya, Yatin