Browsing by Guide Pandya, Yatin

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Showing results 83 to 102 of 188 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2004Natural elements and the builtform.Coutinho, Tina SimonPandya, Yatin
2009Natural elements determining the urban form, case : river Godavari, city Nashik.Kaderi, Ali IqbalPandya, Yatin
2000Natural light : its manifestation in space hence : space as perceived in light.Desai, NehalPandya, Yatin
2000Natural light : its spatial expression and interpretation in sacred environments.Parekh, GrishmaPandya, Yatin
2016Notion of transitionPathan, Zaid AhmedkhanPandya, Yatin
2013Notions of privacy in built form : a study of housing types in Ahmedabad.Sharma, ManmayeePandya, Yatin
-Participatory space design : an exploration for interactive tools of space making.Vahanvati, Mary I.Pandya, Yatin
2000Perception of space through the aspect of movement : study of three campus architecture in Ahmedabad during the Islamic period.Kazi, ZahidaPandya, Yatin
2001Perceptual, conceptual dynamics of spacemaking.Singh, PriyamwadaPandya, Yatin
2009Peripheral urbanisation in indigenous economic towns case : Salem, Tamil Nadu.Venugopal, S.Pandya, Yatin
2009Permanently temporary understanding spatial stimuli as spontaneous behavioural attuning to alchemy of space and time : an exploration of urban foodcourts at Manek Chowk and Rander.Joshi, Neha ShivshankerPandya, Yatin
2003Personalization of interior living environment : case study DDA housing, Delhi.Gupta, Smita JaiPandya, Yatin
2010Pol as mass housing : modern interpretation of Pol.Chauhan, Ritika SinghPandya, Yatin
2013Post occupancy evaluation of rehabilitated earthquake affected villages in Kutch.Tilvawala, Hemal BharatkumarPandya, Yatin
2019Public realm and civic nodes : reimagining the stadium and its prescient to be a democratic, public, civic space .Vanga, Bhanu TejaPandya, Yatin
2016Quality of space with respect to vertical housing neighborhood design : present and future,a case of Mumbai.Chopra, Manveer SinghPandya, Yatin
2005Re-establishing places for people restructuring urban core in traditional context : Pune.Dhoot, KoshishPandya, Yatin
2009Re-organizing the unbuilt to augmentnatural resources case : Salim Ali lake precinct Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.Mahale, AkashPandya, Yatin
2009Re-structuring of St Kilda, Australia for present tourism context.Purkayastha, SumitPandya, Yatin
2009Re-structuring the residential precinct in a religious city with reference to cosmic order; case - Haridwar.Jain, BhavukPandya, Yatin