Browsing by Guide Patel, Kireet

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Showing results 24 to 43 of 44 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2007Making of a 'real ' identifying detailing as a method of contriving 'order' in the making processes.Patel, NiyatiPatel, Kireet
2012Music as a metaphor, a cognitive understanding between principles of design and music.Tikle, Kushal B.Patel, Kireet
2020New age ornamentation in interior realm : an articulation in interior spaces through space making elementsRatani, NidhiPatel, Kireet
2000Notions of thresholds : as constant under shift in domin from socio-culture to individual interpretation.Mohanty, NamrataPatel, Kireet
2018Patterns in interior design : an inquiry into generation processes and properties of patterns in interior elements .Singh, MalvikaPatel, Kireet
2020Phenomena in nature are systems in interior : a comparative analysis of assembly approach between interior systems and phenomena of treeSheth, ShailPatel, Kireet
2017Platonic solids in furniture.Dayanand, NikhilPatel, Kireet
2017Process of creation : Inquiry towards sustenance of a design through flexibility within space planning.Motwani, SurabhiPatel, Kireet
2017Process of creation : Inquiry towards sustenance of a design through flexibility within space planning.Motwani, SurabhiPatel, Kireet
2012Relevance of design processes today : a study of contemporary interiors in India.Shah, Ishita U.Patel, Kireet; Rathod, Samira
-Revisiting the term 'anti-space' : discourses and valuation.Dhruva, MitaliPatel, Kireet
2018Semiotic taxonomy of metaphoric associations in interior design.Patel, Misari P.Patel, Kireet
2001Sense of space through elemental expression : a study of psychedelic effects in spaces.Singh, NikeetaPatel, Kireet
2002Steel : material, technology and expression : role of material properties and construction techniques in characterization of space.Sharma, VijayPatel, Kireet
2002Study of the qualitative aspects of an interior space as a result of the adjoining court.Deliwala, DipalPatel, Kireet
2002Study on evolution and manifestation of form in the region of Gujarat.Gami, LarissaPatel, Kireet
2008Synthesis of an 'Image' into 'Reality' : understanding an innovative exemplary from the roots of traditions .Mehta, AvnishPatel, Kireet
2004Understanding form and aesthetics in interior spaces : realization of form, space and aesthetics in Islamic culture.Bhatia, JankiPatel, Kireet
2007Understanding relationship between philosophies and spaces : an inquiry into houses of thoughts.Shah, PriyaPatel, Kireet
2002Wall as an element and its expression in interior spaces.Maheshwari, AbhaPatel, Kireet