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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2013Analysing design principles in context of Ellora caves : an interpretation center, at Ellora.Morey, Buddhistha K.Jain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
1992Analysis of atheneum : an evolution of analytical framework for formal composition.Karnawat, GirishJain, Kulbhushan B.
2012Analysis of meaning of the term expression in the context of art philosophy.Vidhyashankar, S.Jain, Kulbhushan B.
1982Appreciation of architecture : case ATIRA Ahmedabad.Mohan, RavindraJain, Kulbhushan B.
2005Architecture as a city construct' : case of peripheral development at Misrod, Bhopal.Ekbote, RevatiJain, Kulbhushan B.
2014Architecture as consequence of automobiles.Panchal, Varish VijayJain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
2012Architecture for the city.Walia, VIvekJain, Kulbhushan B.
1973Architecture in a schizoid environment.Beri, ShirishJain, Kulbhushan B.; Tripathi, D.
1996Architecture in the expressionist frame of mind as typified in the works of Bruno Taut and Erich Mendelsohn.Shah, VandanaJain, Kulbhushan B.
2013Architecture in transition : in the works of Ar Anant Raje.Chokandre, SmitJain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
2013Architecture inspired by nature : understanding the values of the nature related to the sense, space and experience as perceived by the human beings and demonstrating an application of the same through dersrirgnr rprroces.Mhatre, SanketJain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
1978Assessment of house form and community spaces.Gandhi, Kautilya J.Jain, Kulbhushan B.
1964Attitudes to houseform study : an overview, Porbandar : a case for study.Khimani, DevanJain, Kulbhushan B.
1978Case of Ahmedabad improving squatter settlements issues of land and finance.Rajagopalan, P. M.Jain, Kulbhushan B.
1975Catastrophes and community rehabilitation : study of community.Shah, Alka A.Jain, Kulbhushan B.
1975Catastrophes and community rehabilitation : study of shelters .Chavda, Vidyadhar G.Jain, Kulbhushan B.
2014Chalukyan architecture as an amalgamation of Nagara and Dravidian style : taking the case of Mahakuta temple complex.Manvi, NikitaJain, Kulbhushan B.; Shah, Snehal
1993Change in a rural settlement due to forces of urbanization : the resultant urban village.Kakad, KrishnaJain, Kulbhushan B.
1976City districts : a case study of Udaipur city.Barot, Anand A.Jain, Kulbhushan B.
1971City graphics .Desai, Kirit H.Jain, Kulbhushan B.