Browsing by Guide Mehta, Jignesh

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 54  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2021Access planning for low-income group - case of barrel market and BSUP VatvaKhelurkar, ShriyaMehta, Jignesh
2015Activity centers - a case of Ahmedabad .Pujara, DishaMehta, Jignesh
2016Assessing existing parking scenario and identifying strategies to manage the parking demand in Ahmedabad through : case study of Prahladnagar road and C G road.Shah, Ankil VipulkumarMehta, Jignesh
2024Assessing vulnerability and community resilience : a case of urban flooding in SuratTrivedi, AkashKumar, Ashwani; Mehta, Jignesh
2024Comparative assessment of micro level planning models in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and OdishaSahu, ShambhaviMehta, Jignesh
2024Comparative assessment of microlevel planning models in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana microlevel planning models - a comparative studyBumb, AnupMehta, Jignesh
2018Conservation of urban areas with heritage value in Ahmedabad : redesigning chowk as a community space respecting the heritage character of Dhal ni Pol.Shanbhag, Sneha N.Mehta, Jignesh
2018Conservation of urban areas with heritage value in Ahmedabad : redesigning street as a public place respecting the heritage character of Dhal ni Pol.Shah, NishiMehta, Jignesh
2017Conservation of urban areas with heritage value in Indian cities : case of Dhal ni pol, AhmedabadPatel, MeghanaMehta, Jignesh
2017Conservation of urban areas with heritage value in Indian cities : case study Ahmedabad.Bandal, PrachiMehta, Jignesh
2024Developing a comprehensive planning support system for India using open data sources - methodology for impact assessment of MRT station proximity on property pricesMunsi, AbhranilSarraf, Saket; Mehta, Jignesh
2018Development plan and its influence on the growth of peri-urban areas : a case of Ahmedabad.Bowen, RishikaMehta, Jignesh
2023Development- Transit Integration in Indian CitiesMakwana, ParthMehta, Jignesh
2024Examine India's 15-minute cities based on their salient featuresAgrawal, AkanshaJain, Himani; Mehta, Jignesh
2017FSI as a tool for urban development : a case of Mumbai.Greeshma R. G.Mehta, Jignesh
2024Helping achieve Chennai's climate goals : aligning Chennai's climate action plan (CCAP) with the master planning process ; incorporating CCAP's mobility and transportation recommendations into Chennai's third master planKikani, AnshiSridhar, Sanjay; Sarraf, Saket; Mehta, Jignesh
2024High speed rail station area accessibility : a case of Sabarmati, AhmedabadPande, PrajaktaDave, Harpal; Mehta, Jignesh
2024High speed rail station area accessibility : a case of Surat HSR stationSharma, MonalisaDave, Harpal; Mehta, Jignesh
2024High speed rail station area accessibility : a case of Bharuch HSR station AhmedabadVasava, ShivaniDave, Harpal; Mehta, Jignesh
2024High speed rail station area development : guidelines based on TOD principles and form based approachShreyaDave, Harpal; Mehta, Jignesh