Browsing by Guide Patil, Sandip

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2017Anthropogenic landscapes and its connotations in high density urban design models.Chainani, MeneshPatil, Sandip
2017Assessment of water as a resorce affected by urbanization , case : lakes of Vasai-Virar sub region.Pradhan, SanjyotPatil, Sandip
2015Conservation and management of a pilgrimage case : Palitana, Bhavnagar, Gujarat.Parikh, KhushbooMaheshwari, Deepa; Patil, Sandip
2015Conservation of a hill in an urban contex amagrah - Jhalana Hills, Jaipur.Chaudhary, PrachiMaheshwari, Deepa; Patil, Sandip
2015Conservation of Loktak lake and management of Phumdis.Mohanty, Swayam PrakashMaheshwari, Deepa; Patil, Sandip
2017Conserving a rural landscape through place perceptions, case example : Chaloda village, Ahmedabad.Patel, DhwaniPatil, Sandip; Shah, Divya
2019Deconstructing place-making in fictional literature.Rathod, DivyaPatil, Sandip
2015Deepor beel, Guwahati.Raje, RichaMaheshwari, Deepa; Patil, Sandip
2015Ecological management of a bay ecosystem.Sancheti, Darshan PravinkumarMaheshwari, Deepa; Patil, Sandip
2017Engaging with the flux, a comprehension of temporalities in the landscape of Dakshina Bayaluseeme of Karnataka.Shalini, P.Patil, Sandip
2015Enhancing the piligrimage route case : Pandharpur vari, Maharashtra.Yeshwantrao, Rucha A.Maheshwari, Deepa; Patil, Sandip
2016Exploration of art in public landscapes, can art help in reforming the social structure of the Indian society or is it just an aesthetic impasse?.Srivastava AkashPatil, Sandip
2018Exploring the role of urban agriculture in food network : a case example of Mumbai.Shah, PalakPatil, Sandip
2017Flood management for Chennai : a case of the Adyar river .Vinithra, V.Modi, Tapan; Patil, Sandip
2015Floodscapes creating landcapes for flood risk management case : Surat city in Tapi river estuary.Engineer, Avinash VasantlalMaheshwari, Deepa; Patil, Sandip
2016Imaginative landscape of Orchha : shaping the Orchha with its collective memory.Singh, SnehaPatil, Sandip
2015Impact of Industries on river systems : case study of kadambrayar and Chitrapuzha river systems, Ernakulam Kerela.Vinod, Reenu ElizabethMaheshwari, Deepa; Patil, Sandip
2015Impact of limestone excavation and cement plants over environment.Gupta, AnshulMaheshwari, Deepa; Patil, Sandip
2018Impact of urban street configuration on surface heat in Ahmedabad.Poola, Veeren NaiduPatil, Sandip
2016Landscape assessment of a region affected by urbanization : cast of coastal road through Versova Creek of Mumbai.Parab, SandeshPatil, Sandip