Browsing by Author Rawal, Rajan

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Showing results 32 to 51 of 63 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2022Greenhouse gas emissions framework of the cities in IndiaPriyanka K RamanRawal, Rajan
2011Impact of building shape and orientation on energy demand for HVAC and lighting.Basu, ArpitaRawal, Rajan
2017Impact of material properties and orientation on building energy consumption.Charan, TanushreeRawal, Rajan; Shah, Dipsha
2023Impact of naturally ventilated residential dwelling units on heat stressGhosal, SreeparnaRawal, Rajan
2012Impact of presence of courtyard on thermal characteristics of vernacular residential building : an exploration in hot-dry vernacular context of Ahmedabad.Vakharia, Mihir N.Rawal, Rajan
2020Impact of room ac outdoor unit placement configuration on energy efficiencyPatel, Krishna R. (PG180448)Rawal, Rajan
2017Impact of surface modulation on solar heat gain : a numerical method to evaluate performance of brickwork.Gargi, PriyamwadaDamle, Rashmin; Rawal, Rajan
3-Sep-2021Impact of thermally activated furniture system on thermal comfort and energyRawal, RajanGarg, Vishal
2012Inquiry in to the role of semi-open spaces, their immediate envelope and its influence on indoor environment : study of vernacular houses of Vadodara.Parikh, Radhika S.Rawal, Rajan
2009Inquiry into adaptive thermal comfort : mapping the occupants' perceived thermal comfort in five institutions of Ahmedabad.Sher, Rohin C.Rawal, Rajan
2011Integration of solar photovoltaics : to suffice the interior lighting energy consumption: an approach towards zero lighting energy consumption: a case of office buildings in Ahmedabad.Charnalia, AshimaMathur, Jyotirmay; Rawal, Rajan
2023Investigating the relation between indoor environmental conditions and cooling loads Based on physiological impacts and thermal comfort requirements.Shah, TarjaniRawal, Rajan
2014Investigation of windows in residences of India.Pandit, SurbhiRawal, Rajan
2013Mapping of energy consumption of residential buildings in New Delhi.Jain, AakritiRawal, Rajan
2016Movable shading devices and its impact on daylight availability, total energy consumption and solar heat gains.Patel, ChinmayRawal, Rajan
2009Optimizing windows for thermal and daylighting performance : a case of commercial buildings in Ahmedabad, India.Manu, SanyogitaRawal, Rajan
2017Phase Change Material application in walls and its impact on energy consumption, thermal comfort and cost benefit analysis in hot and dry climate.Goswami, ShaileeRawal, Rajan
2013Plug load consumption in commercial offices.Dave, MithiRawal, Rajan
2014Potential of energy saving at the city level through energy efficient buildings a study in the context of Ahmedabad city.Kumar, AdityaPathak, Minal; Rawal, Rajan
2010Potential saving in lighting energy due to advancement in Indian standard time : an enquiry in context of commercial office spaces in India.Padmini, R.Rawal, Rajan