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Showing results 4644 to 4663 of 9138 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2011Knowledge needs assessment : a case of Rajkot city, India.Praharaj, SarbeswarGoswami, Subhrangsu
2018Knowledge resource centre : place making at Malek Saban lake, Ahmedabad.Jaiswal, EshaBhatt, Purvi
2022Knowledge sharing in urban commons:Analyzing the privately owned public space model in knowledge and institutional zones of Ahmedabad, IndiaBali,JaiminRamakrishna,Bhagyashree
2024Kochi : local area plan for resilient development pilot LAP for mullassery canal areaVincent, VinilaMehta, Jignesh; Kaliyath, Ajith
2011Koenigsberger's Bubaneshwar : a brief on Koenigsberger's journey in India and a study of 20th century new towns.Mishra, NibeditaArya, Meghal
2023Kozhikode as a creative city : place-based strategiesAntony, IreneRoy, Anil Kumar | Kaliyath, Ajith
2024KPI metrics development strategy for VDC in Design managementAgrawal, RachitJoshi, Abhijit
2019Kumbh Mela - Ephemeral megacity : role of architecture in such mega events.Yeola, Sarang AnilSoni, Sachin
1997Kursi ek roop anek : an insight into the act of sitting.Manke, ShaileshPanchal, Dhimant
1993Laboratory study to find out factors affecting compaction characteristics of soil.Shah, MananKadiwala, A. D.
1983Labour absorption and earnings : a case study of lower strata workers in Bangalore.Shivanand Swamy, H. M.Mehta, Meera
2017Lake management plan : city of Coimbatore.Ravichandran, AnushnathDempsey, Nicola; Samuel, Mercy
2019Lake precinct redevelopment : a case of swami vivekanand sarovar, Raipur.Gambhir, ShreyaMangwani, Narendra
2018Lake renewal and lake redevelopment project : envisioning lakes as a social node : a case of Bellandur lake.Srinivas, Anusha K.Mangwani, Narendra
2002Lake system management : a case of Udaipur city.Chauhan, Deo KumarBandhopadhyay, Saswat
2023Lakes as ecological waterscapes : a framework for inception study of (peripheral) urban lakesBhagat, Rajeev RAmiraslani, Mehrnaz
2013Lakshmanrekha : reading the dialectics of space and gender in Amar chitra katha.Hans, IshaRande, Shilpa
2018Land acquisition : identifying the major challenges and the solutions for roads and transport infrastructure project delays.Soni, AvinashPandit, Devanshu
2012Land acquisition for industrial purpose : a case study of Sanand.Bhattacharya, PoushaniRay, Chandranath N.
2011Land acquisition for prviate industries.Goel, VarunRay, Chandranath N.