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Showing results 934 to 953 of 9138 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2021Cafe spaces in retail stores : an inquiry into design approachesAgrawal, AnshitaMehta, Ruchi
1996Calcutta : its indigenous town : a reading from the dwelling.Mitra, AnitaVasavada, Ravindra J.
2004Calibration and validation of rebar locator - profometer 4.Sapariya, BrijeshNagesh, M.
2018Calibration of building simulation models using real time measurements .Shukla, YashkumarBansal, Narendra K.
2007Cane and bamboo : a holistic approach toward timelessness.Boricha, TejalSheth, Sharad
2020Capabilities of SAP S/4 HANA as business intelligence tool in construction industryParmar, NishitabaOza, Ashvin
2017Capacities of road based public transport system relations with station infrastructure and vehicle : a case study of Ahmedabad.Harjivan, Kotiya TusharDaftardar, Chintan
2000Capacity enhancement of service delivery by urban local body through enterprise resource planning : a case study of Vadodara Municipal Corporation.Ramesh, P.Bandyopadhyay, Saswat
2008Capacity evaluation of critical road intersections of Ahmdabad.Pandit, RuchinAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
1996Capacity optimization and augmentation options of urban watersupply network : case study of Ahmedabad.Madhu Raj, P. C.Sharma, Utpal
2013Capital structure and operational performance : an inter firm comparison.Tater, SiddarthIyenger, Shreekant; Khandual, A.
2007Capitalization of land values along the mass transit system, Ahmedabad.Seth, Kratvi S.Bharti, Madhu
2015Caravanserais and khans : the culture and architecture of Travel in Mughal India.Dutta, ParshatiJain, Minakshi K.
2009Carbon credit : a case study of generation of wind energyMehta, SavanAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
2008Carbon credit potential for cement industry.Jaiswal, VandanaAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
2012Carbon footprint analysis of concrete.Goklani, SunnyShah, Reshma; Tiwari, A. K.
2020Carbon neutral campus-estimation of carbon footprint of a research instituteAnand, AkshitaDoctor, Gayatri
2021Carbon-based Performance Evaluation of a Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) using a Life Cycle Approach: A Case StudyBuilding (NZEB) using a Life Cycle Approach: A Case StudyJain, MiliRawal, Rajan
2010Career progress of women professionals : a study of women architects - Minor B.Mehta, SoniaSehgal, Chhaya
2005Carrying out structural analysis for RCC frame structures and retrofitting for earthquake resistance.Patel, RuchiShah, Mehul