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Showing results 3543 to 3562 of 9138 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
1979Habitat mobility for the urban poor : case study Ahmedabad.Gandhi, Hiren A.Mehta, Dinesh; Radhakrishna, R.
2005Hadoti tourist circuit development strategy : Rajasthan.Ahmed, Mustufa J.Sharma, Utpal
2010Halves and whole : gender and the professional practice of design in India - Minor B.Sheth, SuchitraRanjan, Aditi
2000Hammer type machine foundation.Tekchandani, Komal M.Kapadia, Vivek
2023Hand-made urbanism : intervening in a social public spaceDevlal, KanishkShah, Kruti
2009Handmade paper making in Tamilnadu - Minor A.Balaram, Padmini TolatVidwans, Vinod
2022Handmade urbanism : a spatial atlas of jugaad practicesVaryani, ArchitaShah, Kruti
2023Handmade urbanism: reactivating public spacesKarnawat, VikramadityaShah, Kruti
2000Harbour pollution management plan : a case study of Visakhapatnam Port Trust.Pasala, SudhirkumarBandyopadhyay, Saswat
1977Harmony as an organisational principle in architecture.Riswadkar, NitinMehta, Jaimini
2021Harnessing online stakeholder interactions for analyzing public inconvenience caused by construction of indian metro rail projectsDas, SrinjoyDevkar, Ganesh
2021Harnessing rooftop solar energy to mitigate and adapt to climate changeSharma, HemanshBansal, Neeru
2011Harvesting of non wood forest produces and its impact on forest ecology - collection of NWFP - Tendu Patta in Gondia forest study region.Turate, ShrutiBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
2008Harvesting of rain water at regional level and study its impact on other natural resources : case study river basin of Kham and Sukhna river.Khanjodkar, SantoshBhagwat, Prabhakar B.; Maheshwari, Deepa
1998HAT in tribal area of Santrampur taluka of Panchmahal district.Mal, Jetabhai L.Ray, Chandranath N.
1989Haveli of Swaminarayan Temple, Ahmedabad : an architectural understanding.Modi, VasantSachdeva, B.
1983Havelis : a study of Jaipur.Jain, Yashwant RaiJain, Kulbhushan B.
2023Havelis of Ahmedabad : approach to interior design in adaptive reuseAdarsh, RoshniMehta, Ruchi
2005Havelis of Shahjahanabad : transformation over time .Gupta, SurbhiDalal, Abhimanyu
2008Hawkers & hawking space : a study of commercial centers in the NDMC area of Delhi.Sharma, ShwetaRay, Chandranath N.; Sharit, Bhwmik