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Showing results 9006 to 9025 of 9138 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Guide(s)
2011Wadas : a Maratha way of life : a study with reference to Baroda.Agarwal, PriyankaParimoo, Ratan
2017Walkability index for transit station neighbourhood.Thakur, Rajpratap SinghSingh, Charanjeet
2018Walking to station, planning for pedestrian accessibility around metro stations in Bangalore.Dixit, NancyJoshi, Rutul
1998Wall as a metaphor in urban form.Goenka, TanujVarkey, Kurula
-Wall as a spatial tool in creating interior living environment.Patel, MeghaPandya, Yatin
2002Wall as an element and its expression in interior spaces.Maheshwari, AbhaPatel, Kireet
2015Wall Matrices : assessing and comparing materials and building systems for external wall assmbly with respect to cost and cooling load required for a low rise residential apartment in Mumbai.Angane, KunalVadodaria, Keyur
2021Walling indian public spaces : decoding acts of occupation and enclosure at the edges of vacant spacesAparnaa, C.Smith, Melissa
2015Walls of art : decoding contemporary street art.Parikh, MitaleeKhanwalkar, Seema
2017Warli chowk : correlation of marriage ritual, habitat space and chowk painting .SaumyaJain, Rishav
2017Waste foundry sand : as an alternative to fine aggregate.Tamakuwala, Deep S.Shah, Aanal
2017Waste foundry sand : as an alternative to fine aggregate.Raval, Hardik K.Shah, Aanal
2019Waste management practices in hotels : case of Udaipur city.Waghmare, JinitaVyas, Anjana
2012Waste minimization for R C C framed residential structure.Bhayani, DarshanAkalkotkar, Prakash V.
1990Wasteland development : a case study of Maheshwaram watershed.Shankar, A. V. S.Vishwanath, B. N.; Vyas, Anjana
2020Wastewater a sustainable water for futureNaidu, Anurag VijayBose, Tushar
2023Wastewater management action plan for peri-urban area : case of Rajkot, GujaratDodiya, SmitKumar, Ashwani
1996Wastewater reuse : an assessment of potential and technology.Harinath, Sesha A.Oza, Pushpak P.
2023Wastewater rights and claims : institutional dynamics between rural and urbanRawal, AlkaBandyopadhyay, Saswat
2022Water security for urban resilience in AhmedabadSingh, JanhaviRoy, Anil Kumar